Cool Little Kids

A small group program for caregivers of children aged 3-7 who are showing early signs of anxiety, consisting of six two-hour sessions. The program aims to increase the confidence of young children so they have fewer emotional problems growing up.

This early intervention program aims to give caregivers skills and strategies in managing and responding to your child’s fears and worries by increasing confidence and encouraging brave behaviours. The program is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and has been effectively delivered for over 10 years.

Cool Little Kids is suited to parents of children who:
• Have a tendency to stay in close proximity to caregiver
• Are shy or withdrawn when faced with new people
• Are less talkative than other children of their age
• Are slow to warm up with other children their age
• Are reluctant to try new or different activities
• Have frequent fear, worry or distress

This is a parent only small group, both parents/caregivers are encouraged to attend the program where possible. Children do not attend these sessions.
Although children with additional problems may benefit, it is not designed to help children whose main difficulties are behavioural (e.g., oppositional), attentional (e.g., ADHD), or developmental (e.g., Autism).

Contact us for pricing, session dates and further details about this program.

Contact: Paige Walters
03 6345 7333